5 Annoying Things That Happen to Web Designers

If you’re a web designer then you are probably familiar with the following situations. These things might not happen to you on a daily basis, but if you’ve been in the web design industry for a while you’ve probably come across them.
#1 Ahhhh… Microsoft Office
You’ve arrived at work. You sit down in front of your computer to have your morning sip of coffee. That smell of aroma that gets you going in the morning. You open your emails only to see a request from a client to redesign your piece of art… and this time to do it in Office. Why? Because it’s easier for the client to open it in Word format. WTF!
#2 “I’m coming over”
You’ve sat up for hours, coming up with the perfect website design. The concept looks amazing. You send it off to the client who has only a few remarks.
“You know, it looks amazing, but I just have a few comments. Let’s meet up, we can do them together” – WTF! since when has he become a design pro.
#3 “Can I get a Free Logo?”
If you’re a freelancer then you’ve probably come across this: You fall on a new client who wants a new design for a website or app. After a few conversations, you realise that you’re both on the same page and it looks like its going to be a done deal. Then he suddenly says “Ok, so how about getting a free logo, just to see what the style is going to look like?”
#4 Can You Resize the Impossible
The layout of the site is perfect, the whole project is approved. All that is left is the homepage banner. The client says “Don’t worry I have the perfect image”. He sends you a 200×100 image that he found on google and asks you to resize it. You tell him that you can’t as the quality is poor and it also doesn’t match the site’s look. He answer’s back with “ You’re the PhotoShop wiz, so do your magic!”
#5 It only takes an hour or two right?”
We always leave the best for last. So who’s experienced this?
The client calls you up, holding you on the phone for over an hour. He wants a completely new design, obviously flat, as he was told that it is the next big thing. He wants a responsive website and for it to look innovative (which means shit!). Then he TELLS you that it shouldn’t take you more than an hour or two to put it all together because his last designer (who he found on some cheap marketplace) did it at top speed.
If some of these things have happened to you give us a LIKE.